Writing Ideas

Describe Your Specific Career Aspirations and Your Reason For Pursing an MBA

As you talk in your MBA essay about what you want to do in the future, you have to be descriptive. You have to talk about how you have a plan for your life and that you want to make a positive contribution to the world. This will help show that you are invested in your work and that you want to make a true difference in the world.

Discuss Short and Long Term Goals

To start, you have to talk about the short and long term goals that you have in particular. Short term goals can relate to the three to five years after attaining your MBA. Long term ones are for ten years and later.

Think about how you are going to help people in the future and explain how your educational experience will assist you in getting there. Be realistic when discussing your aspirations as you can’t just assume that your goals will be met overnight or ahead of schedule.

Look At Prior Experiences

Talk about how your past has driven you towards going after an MBA. Describe specific life experiences that happened and how those might have prompted you to move forward in your life. Explain what made those experiences memorable and how you have learned from them. Mention how you use those lessons on a daily basis as well so you can move forward with your work and get the most out of it.

Working As a Bridge

It is true that getting your MBA is going to be a real link towards getting towards your future. But instead of just talking about how getting your MBA will move you closer to success, you have to instead talk about what you want to get out of your field of work. Talk about any projects or careers you want to reach in the future.

You should not directly say that getting your MBA will move you closer towards getting into these points in your life. Simply talking about your future goals is enough as it will be implied that you will go far with an MBA.

Be Detailed

You have to explain all the details that come with your future efforts. Don’t just assume that you can talk about getting a degree and then moving forward. Instead, discuss everything you want to do in order to attain your goals. These include any details you might have for post-MBA education or any particular forms of training you might want to follow later on. Explaining your plans in a series of steps can go a long way towards expressing to others what you want to get out of your work in general.

Remember when talking about your efforts for getting your MBA that you fully understand what you are doing and that you have particular desires for your future. Be willing to stay open when it comes to talking about what you want to get out of your life and how you are going to contribute to society in general.
